Remember when we were all binge-watching Tiger King and waiting for Covid-quarantine to be over before Mother’s Day?Feels like several years ago, right? Not 4 months. Or has it been 6?
Because, who cares about Tiger King or Carole Baskin now? I mean, I’ve binged on Little Fires Everywhere, Normal People, Hamilton, and half a dozen podcasts since then. Possibly more that were less memorable. Juggling my streaming services is a new party trick.
Photo by Frank Cone, Pexels

I know at various times of my life, I’ve begged for more time to read, relax, and eat ice cream. Well, now I have it. (My doctor’s not too keen on the ice cream plan, dammit.) I’ve plowed through my book stack, ordered more books twice, and started re-reading old favorites. I’ve napped and watched tv. But…well, be careful what you wish for, because who knew? I can’t actually read all day long.
[And I do know how privileged I am to be in my particular situation right now. I haven’t lost my job or housing. I don’t have to decide about sending kids to school. In fact, I get to talk to my favorite son a little more frequently, because he’s bored enough to call mom.]
On Facebook, I see people baking amazing bread, completing magnificent jigsaw puzzles, purging their closets and junk drawers. Me? Frozen pizza has entered the dinner rotation, and my closets still bulge with clothes I *might* need one day. (Jigsaw puzzles are stashed in the equally overstuffed linen closet.)
The young man at the grocery store wished me a good morning, then stopped and noted, “or I guess it’s afternoon now.” I thanked him -- for whatever time, day, month it happened to be. He was nice, and that’s all that mattered. I think it’s August. The days are hot and long, but somehow the weeks are short. Or interminable. I no longer have reliable judgment about that.
I’m not a fan of dental work, but a recent visit to the dentist counted as a social call, despite the double masks and protective gowns. Thank goodness I have a friendly hygienist and dentist, and I knew their eyes were smiling. Plus, they invited me back to repair an old filling. Ugh.
I’ve learned to Zoom, but I find it hard to sit down and write. The words are a jumble in my head. Why can’t I crank out at least a blog a week with all this time? A couple of friends recently launched blogs. What will I have to show for myself when *this* is over? Will this be over?
Truly, Normal People and Hamilton were well worth the binge. Did I mention I think Eliza is the hero of Hamilton? Or that I have a fan crush on Phillipa Soo? I discovered new insights in old books. Front porch coffee dates with my friend Beth and an assortment of our mutual friends have been great fun.
Summer is nearly over. I miss my children, and I already wonder what our holidays will look like.
And so we continue. May the children and teachers returning to school be healthy. May the essential workers stay healthy to sell us groceries, fight fires, deliver mail, take care of us. May we grant ourselves grace. May the world forgive us for bungling this so badly.
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