To be grateful and present in each moment: an aspirational goal if ever I heard one. A worthy goal. Somehow, it seems easier to wish away this moment in our lives as we reach for the next.

“I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less.”

–Anna Quindlen

My friend Cheyenne, a college student, recently shared this goal for herself. For her, thoughts of graduation, graduate school, career, travel loom large. Yet she set the intention: to be present in this moment, this conversation, this day with her mom, this spring break to read for pleasure. To be grateful for the privileges of college, a family who loves and supports her, a warm bed in a safe home, the opportunities ahead.

I admire the example she set. I was grateful to be present with her and her mom for those moments. Chey’s wisdom is simple but not always easy to remember. How can I live that intention for myself?

  • I tend to get frustrated in traffic, even when I have no deadlines, instead of appreciating the privilege of driving a reliable, comfortable car wherever I choose to go. I don’t have to plan my days around public transportation or the kindness of friends; I am independently mobile, unlike so many. I can be present, be calm, and listen to the radio.
  • I sometimes whine about not knowing what to cook, though I am blessed with plenty to eat. Tonight, I will crack eggs and chop veggies, with thanks for simple meals and the abundance I enjoy. And I’ll probably listen to some good tunes.
  • I try not to complain about my pain issues, but of course I have “why me” moments. Let me focus on gratitude for health insurance that covers treatments and medications, for a wonderful massage therapist and her healing work, and for friends who understand.
  • My home could always use more work, more cleaning, fresh paint. But I am safe here, in an air-conditioned home, surrounded by music and soft blankets as I write.
  • I get riled up by politics. Well, there’s no hope for that…..(maybe I shouldn’t be listening to Amy’s Dissonance soundtrack.)

How can you be present and find gratitude in your daily life? Treasure the doing?

*Just now, I noticed how music was a common theme, one I should explore more, as I find music to be centering and evocative. I’ll hold that thought.