Cindy Sternlicht2020-07-07T23:30:56+00:00


Overflowing with words,

but where do I begin?

A misfit, middle child, preacher’s kid, I escaped into the safe spaces of books and cozy chairs. Hidden behind glasses and ugly-shame, I observed. I was too much an introvert to speak my words, but pen and paper opened the valve to writing my truths. My explorations and experiences led me to question organized religion, to identify as a feminist and ally, and to understand the value of my own voice, as well as the price of remaining quiet.

A career built on writing and language skills gave me a voice in a meaningful way and an accumulation of stories to inform my life; gave me confidence. Marriage, two children, sandwich generation caregiving, the loss of loved ones have added richness and depth to my worldview. Failures, regrets, and pure bad luck color my story. Friends, older and younger, continue to teach me so much and fill my heart with joy.

My words, as a woman of slightly-more-than-middle-age, indeed overflow and cascade into the words of the next generation, my daughter Rebecca, a strong voice of her own.

Writing has always allowed me to speak the unspeakable,

empowered my thoughts and spirit, and given me grace and peace.

recent posts.

ER Memories

By |August 18, 2019|career, Cindy Sternlicht, loss, transition|

When my friend’s son (ok, it was Amy’s son) leapt for an interception and landed in the ER, I headed out to lend moral support. Honestly, it was as much for me, to hug Amy and all her kids, and see if I could help. Here’s the rub…it was the local hospital where I spent my career. A little more than half my lifetime so far.

When Words aren’t Enough

By |August 4, 2019|Cindy Sternlicht|

What was a national tragedy 20 years ago is another weekend in America in 2019. Schools, churches, nightclubs, outdoor festivals, stores. Bodies fallen in the midst of everyday activities; blood splattered in formerly safe spaces. Do any safe spaces remain?

favorite things.


Ann Patchett | Anne Lamott | Anna Quindlen | Antoine de St. Exupery


The Little Prince | Harry Potter series | A Thousand Splendid Suns, and everything Khaled Hosseini has written | The Magician’s Assistant, and everything Ann Patchett has written


“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” – Antoine de St. Exupery

“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.” – Khalil Gibran

“The truth will set you free but first it will piss you off.” – Gloria Steinem

background & interests.

self care:

Reading | Time with friends (and coffee or wine) | Massage/sauna

professional background:

Communications education, with a dose of English and theater. Career in public relations and marketing, primarily in not-for-profit health care.

personal growth experiences:

Becoming a mom | Losing my parents | Redefining self after an unplanned career transition

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