A Puzzling Paradigm

By |2020-04-05T20:20:29+00:00April 5, 2020|Amy Dobson, community, empowerment, feminism, loss, transition|

It's a weird season. Time itself has become a strange phenomenon - more relative, more subjective, and both more and less significant. Everything has slowed as we find ourselves collectively and individually stumbling around in the dark, looking for a new normal. Fear and hope can exist at the same time - as can science and spirituality. I just have to hold it all loosely - and if there has ever been a time to hold things loosely, it's right now.


By |2020-03-04T21:11:50+00:00February 8, 2020|Amy Dobson, empowerment, music, relationships|

Music has been such a gentle and patient friend for decades now – one of the few spaces where my mind, body, and spirit are fully integrated. Even the language used to describe the artist’s intention for a piece of music also accurately describe the human experience – dynamics, harmony, lines, spaces, tempo, resolution. And dissonance.


By |2020-01-20T19:08:25+00:00July 13, 2019|empowerment, loss, Rebecca Sternlicht, yoga|

As a heart-opener, camel requires a special element of trust, both in the universe and in the self. It demands a willingness to be vulnerable, to bare the throat and let it hang long and loose. It demands a willingness to expose the heart, to set it free and trust it to fly without fleeing the body.

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