Bookshelf: Jan – March, 2021

By |2021-03-31T23:47:37+00:00March 31, 2021|books, Cindy Sternlicht|

January in my house means new Christmas books to read! I won’t get into the carefully curated gift lists Rebecca and I devise for holidays, but it works. The one thing I didn’t notice about my Christmas 2020 list until I gazed upon all the new books together is the common theme of do-overs, life regrets, and life and death overall. If you’ve been following along, you know I am drawn to heavier topics, so this theme fits right in.

Bookshelf: Feb-March 2020

By |2020-04-06T14:17:03+00:00April 4, 2020|books, Cindy Sternlicht|

Okay…so monthly updates on books I’ve read seems a little much. As in, too much pressure. So, I’m going to wrap up February and March, then switch to quarterly summaries. And let me just say, February and March have been odd months; I don’t know how non-readers survive. More to come on that but thank goodness I keep a stack of unread books.

Bookshelf: January 2020

By |2020-03-01T20:41:39+00:00February 10, 2020|books, Cindy Sternlicht|

I’ve never been great at tracking the books I read – and I’ve been known to question whether I’ve already read a book that appeals to me. Rebecca and I tend to share books, so she’s the person I can say “you know that one about ….” And she actually does know.

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