
It’s all a lesson.
This is not a problem.
The universe – generally speaking – is a gentle teacher; life, however, is not. I fluctuate between avoiding the lessons and embracing them. I am a master at getting lost in my head; music, books, photography, writing, and relationships tether me to reality. Deconstructing my faith, my perspectives, and my view of myself gave me a beautifully blank slate for reinvention.
My perspective has shifted – drastically – in the last five years. I’ve outgrown some things, and I’ve grown into others. I like to observe and process and “figure things out,” but sharing? No. I didn’t see the purpose in carving out space for my own voice…until I experienced tremendous growth through the words of strong, intelligent, empowered, women (and several self aware, “woke” men) who were willing to risk vulnerability to share their own stories with me. And I’m so grateful.
We all have a voice. Let’s collectively lift them – and each other – up, together.
Writing gives me space to wrestle with myself;
to observe and accept with awareness, intentionality, and grace. I’m slowly steadying my breath, using my voice, and crawling my way closer to something that resembles balance.
Writing gives me space to wrestle with myself;
to observe and accept with awareness, intentionality, and grace. I’m slowly steadying my breath, using my voice, and crawling my way closer to something that resembles balance.

recent posts.
The Comfort of Familiarity
My second stint in the mountains feels different than I expected. While I miss the awe and wonder and the newness of my first trip, I’ve discovered a familiarity that is deeply comforting. Everything feels less intimidating, including myself. I am a year older, and so are the trees. I am a year wiser, the trees are as wise as they’ve always been.
Vexed by Trendy Trauma
Earlier this week my oldest daughter, a psychology major at USF, shared a social media post with me – a square with the word “trauma” on it multiple times with a caption defining trauma in an unfamiliar and slightly disturbing way. She was curious about my thoughts, which sparked my own curiosity about my thoughts, which sparked multiple conversations with multiple kids and even more thoughts. Apparently trauma is trending.
Overlook 10
Overlook 10s are not bad decisions or wrong turns or missed opportunities. They are not unrealistic expectations that go unmet. Overlook 10s are doing everything right, and things still not panning out as you’d hoped.
A Puzzling Paradigm
It's a weird season. Time itself has become a strange phenomenon - more relative, more subjective, and both more and less significant. Everything has slowed as we find ourselves collectively and individually stumbling around in the dark, looking for a new normal. Fear and hope can exist at the same time - as can science and spirituality. I just have to hold it all loosely - and if there has ever been a time to hold things loosely, it's right now.
Dead Flowers and Letting Go
It’s day three of staring at the dead flowers on my dining room table. I still find them beautiful - nuanced and layered and wise. They’re making a mess though. Every day more leaves and petals adorn the wood beneath them, and I feel sad when I look at them. They are fully - dead.
Put the Kid on the Bus.
I can decisively and efficiently move through a professional creative project with objectivity and fortitude. A personal creative project? Cue inner turmoil and second-guessing and procrastinating and chaos.

favorite things.
Wally Lamb | Anne Lamott | Brennan Manning
Untamed | THIS | Anna Karenina | I Know This Much is True | Atlas Shrugged | The Body Keeps the Score | Love Wins | Plan B, Further Thoughts on Faith | Jane Eyre | Emotional Agility | A Bad Case of Stripes
“You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby.” – Margery Williams, The Velveteen Rabbit
“We’re all just walking each other home.” – Ram Dass
“Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.” – Anne Lamott
background & interests.
self care:
Piano | Photography | Live Music | Yoga | Reading
professional background:
Background in professional photography, which expanded to graphic/web design. Freelance digital marketer, helping small business find, clarify, and communicate their value.
personal growth experiences:
Motherhood | Therapy | Travel