
Words of Women

Words of Women

Bookshelf: Jan – March 2025

By |March 31, 2025|

I love a new pile of Christmas gifts/books. My list this year was mostly older books by authors I have recently enjoyed and want to explore further. My TBR stack is a mix, so here goes:

Bookshelf July-Sept 2024

By |October 1, 2024|

You may recognize some authors I've enjoyed before in this list, and please know the photo is just a sample of books I had nearby. A couple of this quarter's favorites were Sisters Under the Rising Sun, The Hours, and Hold My Girl.

Proud to be from Miami

By |August 12, 2024|

For all her flaws, there’s nothing quite like the city of Miami. Indeed, I feel privileged I was brought up on an amalgam of sights and sounds you can’t get from one singular place anywhere else in the world.

Bookshelf April-June 2024

By |July 1, 2024|

As busy as it was, the crossover from spring to summer made for some good reading. The best of the bunch this quarter was A Great Country, which was no surprise based on my reactions to her previous novels. What books have you loved recently?

Bookshelf: Jan – March 2024

By |April 1, 2024|

The first of the year brought a stack of new books to enjoy, along with anticipation of new releases. But how is it already April, and I've read those and more? Guess I have to wait until my birthday and Mother's Day for more. (Just kidding.)

A Skirt with Tattered Edges

By |January 15, 2024|

I had my first dream of motherhood in my childhood bed Knew the weight of a distended belly, when I woke my braids were soaked in a cold sweat I saw birthday candles melt, hair turning gray, my blood turning boy into man And I never saw my mom that morning in the kitchen ever the same way again —— Being a woman means knowing the world’s dying, but

Another Ending, Another Beginning

By |December 28, 2023|

As 2023 draws to a close, I’m filled with deep contentment. For me, it’s not just “jolly holiday” happiness either. It’s more of a “what do I have not to be happy about?” feeling.


By |September 20, 2023|

We need each other. Despite advances in medicine and technology, Americans of all ages are battling depression and anxiety like never before. Spending time with friends as well as knowing you can call someone in your darkest moments and feel unconditionally safe with another person lessens depression and anxiety.

Bookshelf: Jan – March 2023

By |April 3, 2023|

First of a new year means a Christmas stash of books (pictured). Of course, I read more than those, but it’s a great way to start the year. Here’s what I’ve been reading.


By |February 14, 2023|

bleed merlot and paint my face with Your wine-stained kisses.

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